EDF Oiti Transmissora
Founded in 2022, when EDF Brasil won its first transmission project, which includes the operation of 40 km of transmission lines and 345/138 kV substation, EDF Oiti Transmissora is responsible for the first transmission line asset of energy of the Group in Brazil.
The Oiti project will consolidate itself as an important point in the North Fluminense region to meet the long-term energy demand of Porto do Açu and the municipality of São João da Barra (RJ), representing a significant step towards local economic development. The construction is expected to be completed in 2026.
What is the Oiti Project?
The Oiti Project can be divided into two phases, the first construction phase and the second operation phase.
In the first phase, a new Electric Power Substation will be built in the rural area of the municipality of São João da Barra (RJ), the Substation (SE) Porto do Açu. This SE will operate at voltages of 345 and 138 kV. This means that the equipment installed there will be able to reduce electrical energy voltage, allowing transportation to consumers in the region, thus increasing the availability of electricity locally. Still part of the first phase, transmission line branches will be installed to section the transmission line (LT) that operates at 345 kV, already installed and which today connects UTE GNA I (located in São João da Barra) to SE Campos (located in Campos dos Goytacazes). These branches will be approximately 300 m long.
The first phase is expected to be completed in 2026, when the construction of these structures will be completed and operations will begin.
Thus, in the second phase, the company will take over the operation of the existing LT 345 kV between the new SE Porto do Açu and SE Campos, a stretch of approximately 40 km.
transmission lines
Location of the enterprise

Why is the Oiti Project necessary?
The northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro has great economic importance for the economy of the state and the country. To ensure that the growing demand for electricity is met in the Porto do Açu Industrial Complex region and in the Santo Amaro region, the Federal Government carried out technical studies identifying the need to reinforce the electricity transmission system in the north of the state of Rio. of January.
Thus, in December 2022, the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) held Transmission Auction No. 002/2022 where EDF offered the most competitive value with the commitment to develop the project as an electrical energy transmission concessionary company for a period 30 years old.
Who is responsible for the Oiti Project?
The company EDF Oiti Transmissora was founded in 2022, when EDF Brasil became the winner of Transmission Auction No. 002/2022.
EDF Oiti carries out the project's environmental licensing with the State Environmental Institute (Inea), following the definitions of current environmental legislation.
Project documentation
Authorizing Resolution 14,797 - Substation Area PDF - 468.83 KB
Authorizing Resolution 14,783 - Transmission Line Area PDF - 263.59 KB
Authorizing Resolution 14,772 - Access Area PDF - 225.84 KB