To reaffirm our commitment to the challenges of sustainable development, we promote actions to contribute to the regions in which our assets are located, such as monitoring river water quality, capturing and reusing rainwater, monitoring greenhouse gas emissions , among others.

One of the fruits of our commitment to the environment and biodiversity is the partnership with the Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado (AMLD), which has the mission of promoting the conservation of the Atlantic Forest in the coastal lowlands of the state of Rio de Janeiro and the entire its native fauna, especially the Golden Lion Tamarin. The partnership lasting more than a decade, which began in 2009, has already resulted in the recovery of kilometers of forests, contributed to the preservation of the Golden Lion Tamarin species and stimulated the socioeconomic movement of small farmers in the region.
Our partnership with AMLD is based on the priorities and challenges of the EDF Group, established in CAP 2030 – the Group's global target plan, which outlines where and how we want to reach the future through projects, commitments and constant efforts.