EDF Brazil
Brazilian subsidiary of the French Group Électricité de France, EDF Brasil is a development platform for thermal and hydro generation and transmission projects and services. In activity since 2004, and acting as a holding since the beginning of 2023, it plays an important role in the EDF Group's international development strategy.
The expansion of business lines and the focus on diversifying activities in different geographic areas reinforce our positioning as a key country for the Group and our mission to contribute increasingly actively to the Brazilian energy transition and to the modernization of the electrical sector in Brazil. country.
With administrative headquarters in the city of Rio de Janeiro and operational units in Macaé (RJ), Sinop (MT) and São João da Barra (RJ), EDF Brasil is recognized for its operational excellence and has around 200 employees, combining commitment to security and sustainable development.
capacity installed
of activity in Brazil
of people supplied by EDF BR
in 2 Brazilian states

Brazil is a strategic market for the international development of the EDF Group, which has been present in the country since 1996, contributing to the country's energy transition through three subsidiaries, each operating in a specific segment of the electricity sector:
EDF BRASIL (thermal and hydro generation, transmission and O&M services)

Founded in 1946, the Électricité de France Group (EDF) is present on five continents and is currently the largest electrical energy company in the world. With expertise in all segments of the electricity sector, it is a leader in energy generation with low greenhouse gas emissions, with more than 90% of its production free of carbon emissions.
Signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since 2001, which brings together companies around the world committed to respecting the application of the ten principles of human rights, labor and the environment and fighting against corruption, the EDF Group maintains a Code of Ethics that provides that each employee commits to respecting the person; act with integrity; protect assets and respect interested parties; as well as being a defender of the Group and ambassador for ethical behavior.