Based on its values Respect, Solidarity and Responsibility, EDF Brasil adopts an ethical commitment that guides the actions of all our employees, ensuring the highest standards of integrity, behavior and business performance.

Our company maintains a Code of Ethics aligned not only with the EDF Group, but also in full compliance with the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (12,846/13), with zero tolerance for fraud, use of privileged information or conflicts of interest, among other conducts considered incompatible with our values.

Furthermore, we have a Compliance Program that follows the best corporate governance practices and continually reinforces management transparency and the commitment to act within the principles of integrity and ethics in our business.

According to the EDF Code of Ethics, each Group employee undertakes to:

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Respect the person
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Act with integrity
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Protect assets and respect stakeholders
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Be an advocate for the Group and ambassador for ethical behavior



Canal de Ética


The Ethics Channel aims to guarantee an independent and autonomous ombudsman for recording complaints, suggestions for improvements and clarification of doubts about conduct, ensuring prompt and consistent action against violations of this Manual. The functioning of the Ethics Channel is structured to guarantee the anonymity of whistleblowers.

Access the Contato Seguro website