A development platform for EDF Group's thermal and hydro generation and transmission projects and services in Brazil

Operating in the country since 2004, EDF Brasil Holding plays an important role in the EDF Group's international development strategy. Through efficient management, modern governance and a consolidated structure, we offer competitive solutions, combining economic development, innovation and environmental preservation.

Operational and financial excellence

  • 1.228 MW

    1.228 MW

    Installed capacity in operation (hydro and thermal), with high availability rate

  • Desenvolvimento sustentável

    Sustainable development

    Much more than energy, we contribute to the development of the communities where we operate

  • UTE Norte Fluminense

    UTE Norte Fluminense

    One of the most efficient thermal plants in operation in the country and in the EDF Group portfolio

  • 4 milhões

    4 million

    of people supplied in the country by EDF Brasil